Why Is My Skateboard Squeaky and How to Fix It!

Let’s face it, a squeaky skateboard is the ultimate buzzkill. It throws off your focus, disrupts the flow of your ride, and can even be embarrassing (especially when landing that sweet trick!). But fear not, fellow skaters! This guide will help you diagnose the culprit behind those squeaks and get you rolling quietly once again.

In the next section, we’ll delve into the most common reason for skateboard squeaks: the trucks. We’ll break down the science behind the squeak and explore other potential causes. Stay tuned, and get ready to silence those unwanted noises for a smooth and enjoyable ride!

Why Is My Skateboard Squeaky
Why Is My Skateboard Squeaky

The Trucks: The Usual Suspects

We mentioned the trucks as the prime suspect when it comes to skateboard squeaks, and for good reason. These metal components, which connect your wheels to the deck, are home to the pivot cup and hanger. The hanger is the moving part of the truck, and the pivot cup (a small, usually plastic, piece inside the baseplate) is what allows the hanger to turn. When these two parts rub against each other without proper lubrication, friction builds, and – you guessed it – squeaking ensues!

Here’s a closer look at why your trucks might be the squeaky culprit:

  • New and Tight Trucks: Brand new trucks can sometimes be a little stiff, causing initial squeaking. This is nothing to worry about, and the squeaks should disappear naturally as you break them in by riding your board regularly.
  • Lack of Lubrication: Over time, the lubricant between the hanger and pivot cup wears down. This increased friction is a common cause of squeaking, especially on older skateboards.
  • Dirt and Debris: If dirt or debris gets lodged in the pivot cup, it can also cause friction and lead to squeaking noises.

Now that we’ve identified the main culprit and its potential accomplices, let’s move on to the good stuff: solutions!

How to identify the source of the squeak

To fix a squeaky skateboard, you first need to identify the source of the noise. Start by removing the wheels and spinning each bearing individually. Listen closely for any unusual sounds or roughness in the rotation. If you hear a squeak or feel resistance, that particular bearing is likely the cause of the problem. Repeat this process for all the bearings until you locate the source of the squeak.

Silencing the Squeaks: Solutions for a Smooth Ride

Conquering those skateboard squeaks is all about reducing friction between the hanger and pivot cup. Here are some effective solutions to get your board rolling quietly again:

Lubrication is Key:

  • The Recommended Choice: Skateboard-specific lubricants like bearing lube or bone speed cream are formulated to provide a smooth, long-lasting solution. Apply a few drops directly to the pivot cup after loosening the nut and removing the hanger (we’ll provide detailed steps in a moment).
  • The Budget-Friendly Alternative: Paraffin wax shavings can be a surprisingly effective and affordable way to silence squeaks. Simply scrape off a few shavings and place them inside the pivot cup. However, this method might not be as long-lasting as lubricants specifically designed for skateboards.

Important Note: Avoid using WD-40 or other harsh chemicals on your trucks. These can damage the bushings (the rubber components that absorb shock) and create more problems down the line.

Step-by-Step Lubrication Guide:

  1. Gather your tools: You’ll need a skate tool or an appropriate socket wrench to loosen the axle nut.
  2. Loosen the nut: Carefully loosen the nut on the kingpin (the central metal bolt) of the truck. Don’t remove it completely, just enough to detach the hanger.
  3. Remove the hanger: Slide the hanger off the truck baseplate.
  4. Clean the pivot cup (optional): If you suspect dirt buildup, use a clean cloth to remove any debris from the pivot cup.
  5. Apply lubricant: Put a few drops of your chosen lubricant (skateboard lube or paraffin wax shavings) inside the pivot cup. Don’t overdo it – a little goes a long way!
  6. Reassemble the truck: Slide the hanger back onto the baseplate, ensuring proper alignment. Tighten the nut back to its original position, but don’t over-tighten it. The wheels should spin freely with a slight wobble.

Addressing Loose Bolts and Worn Bearings:

If squeaking persists after lubrication, there might be a bigger issue. Check for loose axle nuts or bolts and tighten them if necessary. In rare cases, severely worn bearings could also be contributing to the noise. If you suspect worn bearings, consider replacing them for a smoother ride.

Alternative Culprit: Bushings

While less common, worn-out bushings (the rubber parts that absorb shock in your trucks) can also cause squeaking. If lubrication doesn’t solve the problem and your bushings are visibly cracked or deteriorated, replacing them might be necessary.

Prevention is Key:

Regular cleaning and maintenance of your trucks can go a long way in preventing squeaks. Wipe down your trucks with a damp cloth after each ride to remove dirt and debris. Additionally, periodically check the tightness of the axle nuts and bolts.

Conclusion: Enjoy the Ride!

By identifying the cause of the squeak and applying the solutions above, you should be able to silence those annoying noises and get back to enjoying your skateboard. Remember, a smooth and quiet ride is essential for focus, flow, and overall skating enjoyment. So grab your board, hit the pavement, and cruise in peace!

Why Is My Skateboard Squeaky
Why Is My Skateboard Squeaky

Keeping it Quiet: Preventative Maintenance Tips

Conquering squeaks is great, but wouldn’t it be even better to prevent them altogether? Here are some simple tips to keep your skateboard happy and quiet:

  • Regular Cleaning: Make cleaning your skateboard a regular habit. Dirt and debris can build up in the trucks, increasing friction and potentially causing squeaks. Use a damp cloth and mild soap to wipe down your deck, trucks, and wheels.
  • Inspect and Tighten: Get in the habit of periodically inspecting your trucks and checking the tightness of the axle nut and kingpin nut. Loose nuts can contribute to squeaking and affect your board’s overall performance.
  • Break-In for New Bushings: While new trucks might squeak initially, the same goes for new bushings (the rubber components that absorb shock). The good news is that both these elements will “break in” with regular riding, reducing squeaks over time.

By incorporating these preventative measures into your routine, you can minimize the chances of those pesky squeaks returning. Now, go forth and shred noise-free!

Conclusion: The Sound of Silence (and Smooth Rides)

With a little understanding and these simple solutions, you’ve got the tools to silence those skateboard squeaks and achieve a smooth, quiet ride. Remember, proper lubrication, regular cleaning, and preventative maintenance are your friends in the fight against skateboard noise. So grab your board, hit the pavement, and enjoy the sweet sound of silence (or maybe just the satisfying roll of your wheels) as you shred!

Squeaky Skateboard FAQs

Q: Why is my skateboard squeaking?

A: The most likely culprit is friction between the hanger and pivot cup in your trucks. This can happen due to:

  • New and tight trucks: They might squeak initially but will break in with use.
  • Lack of lubrication: Over time, lube wears off, causing friction.
  • Dirt and debris: Buildup in the pivot cup can create friction and squeaking.

Q: How do I fix a squeaky skateboard?

A: Lubrication is key! Here’s what you need:

  • Skateboard-specific lubricant or paraffin wax shavings
  • Skate tool
  • Clean rag
  1. Loosen the kingpin nut, remove the hanger.
  2. Apply lubricant (or wax) to the pivot cup (a few drops are enough).
  3. Reassemble the truck and tighten the nut (not too tight!).
  4. Repeat for the other truck.
  5. Wipe away excess lube.

Q: Are there other causes of squeaky skateboards?

A: Less likely, but possible causes include:

  • Loose axle nut: Tighten it for a snug fit (but not overtightened).
  • Worn-out bushings: These rubber components can squeak if damaged and might need replacing.

Q: How can I prevent my skateboard from squeaking?

A: Here are some preventative measures:

  • Regular cleaning: Remove dirt and debris from your trucks.
  • Inspect and tighten: Check axle nut and kingpin nut tightness regularly.
  • Break-in for new parts: New trucks and bushings might squeak initially, but regular riding helps.
Norman J. Wells
Norman J. Wells

Hello, my name is Norman J. Wells I am the founder of Get skater which is my blog.

I specialize in skateboarding and offer skateboarding services to businesses of all sizes around the world, ultimately improving their bottom line by teaching creative solutions to their problems. Shoot me a quick email to see how I can help you!

Articles: 131

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