Clear Skateboard Grip Tape: A Surprising Way to Style Your License Plate

Utilizing clear skateboard grip tape on license plates as a styling trick or for more covert reasons taps into a niche but intriguing application of this versatile accessory. While the primary use of grip tape, designed for skateboards to provide the necessary traction between shoes and the board, is well known among enthusiasts, its adaptation onto license plates has sparked a blend of curiosity and controversy. The concept of clear skateboard grip tape offering both an aesthetic enhancement and the potential to affect the visibility of license plates to traffic enforcement technologies introduces a complex debate grounded in legality and ethics.

This exploration delves into the unique idea of applying clear skateboard grip tape to license plates, examining the implications from legal, functional, and ethical perspectives. It addresses the effectiveness of this technique against speed camera detection, contrasts it with other methods intended to obscure plate visibility, and considers the stance of law enforcement on such practices. By navigating through a comprehensive analysis, the article aims to present a balanced view of the innovative yet contentious use of clear grip tape in the realm of vehicle styling and speed surveillance evasion.

The Idea Behind Clear Skateboard Grip Tape on License Plates

The use of clear skateboard grip tape on license plates is a concept that has gained traction largely through social media platforms. Here, we delve into the core ideas and motivations behind this unconventional application.

Clear Skateboard Grip Tape License Plates
Clear Skateboard Grip Tape License Plates

Social Media Influence and Visibility

The trend of applying clear skateboard grip tape to license plates seems to have been popularized by social media, particularly through platforms like TikTok. Users have shared videos that demonstrate how this tape might be used not only as a customization tool but also for its potential to interfere with the visibility of license plates to speed and red light cameras. However, it’s important to note that the effectiveness of this method in evading detection remains unconfirmed and highly debated among viewers.

Protective and Reflective Uses

Beyond the speculative use for evading traffic cameras, there are practical reasons why some vehicle owners might consider this application. The clear grip tape can provide an additional layer of protection against theft, as it adds an extra step to remove the plate. Additionally, the inherent reflective properties of some grip tapes could enhance the visibility of the license plate under low light conditions, potentially contributing to safer driving conditions.

Viral Content and Public Experimentation

A particular TikTok video, which has amassed 13.9 million views, showcases a “shield plate” or license plate cover that operates completely wirelessly and discreetly. This has sparked further interest and experimentation among the community, with users curious about integrating clear skateboard grip tape in similar innovative ways. The visibility and shareability of such content have played a significant role in pushing the boundaries of how everyday items can be repurposed in novel contexts.

This exploration into the reasons behind using clear skateboard grip tape on license plates highlights a blend of curiosity-driven innovation and practical application, spurred significantly by the digital community’s influence.

Legal Considerations and Risks

Automated License Plate Recognition (ALPR) Systems

Using clear grip tape on license plates can potentially hinder law enforcement’s ability to identify vehicles using Automated License Plate Recognition (ALPR) systems. These systems are crucial for various law enforcement activities, including tracking stolen vehicles and enforcing traffic laws.

Legality and Penalties

The application of clear grip tape on license plates may be illegal in certain jurisdictions. Violators could face fines or other penalties depending on local laws. It’s important for vehicle owners to verify the legality of such modifications in their specific regions to avoid legal issues.

Ineffectiveness of Certain Modifications

There are no legal plate covers that effectively and legally obscure license plates from law enforcement detection. Methods that claim to avoid tolls or radar detection have been proven ineffective and could lead to legal repercussions.

Regional Variations in Law

The legality of using clear grip tape on license plates varies by location. In some areas, this practice might not be explicitly addressed by law, leading to debates and uncertainty among vehicle owners. It’s crucial to consult local vehicle modification laws to understand what is permissible.

Public Safety Concerns

Obstructing or altering a license plate not only has legal ramifications but also compromises public safety. Such actions can impede the ability of law enforcement and other drivers to identify a vehicle in case of an accident or other emergencies.

Potential Consequences

The consequences of modifying a license plate to evade law enforcement surveillance can be severe, including fines, penalties, and potentially criminal charges. It’s advisable for individuals to consider these risks seriously before altering their vehicle’s license plate.

Effectiveness of Obscuring Methods

While products and methods that claim to obscure license plates from detection devices are available, their effectiveness is questionable, and they often fall under legal scrutiny. Relying on such methods can lead to unexpected legal challenges.

Summary of Legal Risks

  1. Potential hindrance to law enforcement operations due to obscured license plate visibility.
  2. Legal restrictions and penalties vary by jurisdiction, necessitating local legal consultation.
  3. Public safety risks associated with obstructed vehicle identification.
  4. Severe legal consequences for intentional modifications aimed at evading detection.

These considerations highlight the importance of understanding and complying with local laws regarding vehicle modifications, especially those that could affect the legibility and visibility of license plates.

How Clear Skateboard Grip Tape Works

Clear skateboard grip tape, often used for its non-slip properties on skateboards, has found a novel application on license plates. This section explores the mechanics behind its use and the varying effectiveness of such modifications, particularly in relation to traffic enforcement technologies.

Reflective Properties and Light Interaction

Clear skateboard grip tape is designed to enhance grip through its textured surface, but it also possesses certain reflective qualities. These qualities may theoretically reflect the flash of speed and red light cameras back at the device. However, the effectiveness of this reflection is not consistent. During the daytime or from different angles, the tape’s reflective capability diminishes significantly, making this application unreliable in many scenarios.

Comparison with Other Obscuring Products

  1. Sprays and Covers: There are various products like sprays and plate covers that are marketed with the promise of obscuring license plates from camera detection. These often include materials that reflect light or create a glare.
  2. Fresnel Lenses: Some products use Fresnel lenses to distort the view of the plate from certain angles. While innovative, their legality and effectiveness are variable and heavily dependent on the angle of camera installation relative to the vehicle.

Legal and Practical Limitations

Using any form of reflective or obscuring tape, including clear skateboard grip tape, on license plates is fraught with legal and practical challenges. While the tape might offer minimal reflection:

  • It is generally considered illegal to modify a license plate in a way that intentionally prevents identification by traffic cameras.
  • Even if the tape reflects some light, license plate numbers can often still be discerned by enforcement technologies, especially with advancements in camera resolution and processing capabilities.

This exploration into the use of clear skateboard grip tape on license plates reveals that while it may offer some level of interference with camera-based systems, its reliability and legality are questionable. Vehicle owners considering such modifications should be aware of the potential legal repercussions and the limited effectiveness of these methods.

Effectiveness Against Speed Cameras

In the quest to evade speed camera detection, various products have been marketed with claims of effectively obscuring license plates. However, the reality of their effectiveness is quite different. Here, we explore two popular methods that have been tested and found wanting in their ability to fool traffic enforcement technologies.

Clear Skateboard Grip Tape License Plates
Clear Skateboard Grip Tape License Plates

License Plate Covers with Prismatic Material

These covers are designed with a thin layer of prismatic material intended to distort the camera’s view of the license plate numbers. Despite their innovative design, extensive testing has shown that these covers do not effectively prevent cameras from capturing readable images of license plates. The prismatic effect, while visually interesting, fails to provide a reliable means of evasion from speed cameras.

Photo Blocker Sprays

Products like PhotoBlocker and Photo Stopper are sprays that claim to coat the license plate with a high-gloss finish that reflects camera flashes, thereby obscuring the plate’s visibility in photos. However, thorough evaluations have demonstrated that these sprays do not affect the camera’s ability to capture a clear image of the license plate. The spray makes the plate shiny, but this shininess does not translate into invisibility under camera flashes.

Both methods, while popular among those looking to avoid speed camera tickets, offer little more than a false sense of security. Their widespread testing and subsequent failure to deliver on promises highlight a crucial point: technology used by law enforcement is often one step ahead of such evasion techniques. Vehicle owners should be wary of relying on these products and consider the legal and ethical implications of attempting to obscure their license plates.

Alternative Methods for Evading Speed Detection

Exploring various methods to evade speed detection has become a topic of interest for many drivers. While some methods are legal and focus on alerting the driver to speed cameras, others tread into legally dubious territories. Here we examine a range of techniques that drivers have experimented with, from sophisticated gadgets to DIY modifications.

Radar Detectors and GPS Systems

One of the most reliable and legal methods to avoid speed detection is the use of radar detectors that incorporate GPS technology. Devices like the Escort Redline 360c are equipped with a comprehensive database of red light and speed camera locations. These devices alert drivers as they approach a camera, allowing them to adjust their speed accordingly.

Innovative Use of Technology and Materials

Drivers have also tried various other technologies and materials to reduce the likelihood of speed detection:

  1. 940ir Extreme Bright LEDs: Installed around the license plate, these LEDs aim to overwhelm the camera’s sensor, potentially obscuring the plate numbers.
  2. Ceramic UV/IR Blocking Tint: Applied to the license plate, this tint blocks ultraviolet and infrared rays, aiming to prevent the plate from being captured clearly by IR cameras.
  3. Retro-Reflective Spray Paint: This paint is applied directly to the license plate and reflects camera flashes, which might help obscure the plate numbers in photos taken by speed cameras.

Mechanical Innovations

Some drivers have adopted mechanical solutions like the number plate flipper, which can rotate or flip the license plate out of view at the push of a button. This method, while intriguing, poses significant legal risks.

Stealth Technologies

Advanced materials and technologies have been adapted from military applications to everyday vehicle use to reduce radar detection:

  • Stealthplate: A clear film applied over the license plate, designed to be invisible to IR cameras while remaining visible to the naked eye.
  • Radar Reflectors and Echo Chambers: These devices can confuse police radar, making it difficult for the radar to report a vehicle’s speed accurately.
  • Military-Grade Radar Absorbing Coatings: Originally developed for military stealth technology, these coatings can be applied to vehicles to reduce their radar cross-section, thereby making them less detectable by radar.

Legal and Ethical Considerations

While exploring these methods, it is crucial for drivers to consider the legal and ethical implications. Many of these techniques, especially those that involve obscuring or altering license plates, are illegal in numerous jurisdictions. Furthermore, using such methods can endanger public safety by making it difficult for law enforcement to identify vehicles involved in criminal activities or traffic incidents.

In summary, while there are numerous methods available for evading speed detection, drivers should carefully consider the legality and potential safety implications of each method. The most reliable and legal approach remains the use of GPS-equipped radar detectors, which provide alerts without breaking the law or compromising safety.

Law Enforcement’s Stance and Countermeasures

Law enforcement agencies are critically aware of the methods some drivers use to obstruct license plates, including the application of clear skateboard grip tape. These agencies have developed various countermeasures and maintain a firm stance on the illegality of such modifications, emphasizing public safety and the necessity of clear vehicle identification.

Obstruction and Public Safety Risks

Obstructing a license plate can significantly compromise public safety. It hinders the ability of law enforcement and other drivers to identify a vehicle during accidents or emergencies. Law enforcement agencies stress that clear identification of vehicles is crucial, not just for solving crimes but also for the general safety of the public on the roads.

Enforcement and Countermeasures

Law enforcement uses a range of methods to enforce traffic laws and identify vehicles involved in criminal activities. This includes the deployment of Automatic License Plate Reader (ALPR) systems, which are capable of recording license plates from multiple lanes of traffic simultaneously. These systems store images not just of the license plates but also of the drivers and passengers, aiding significantly in law enforcement operations.

Reports of Legal Actions

There have been instances where users of clear grip tape on license plates have been pulled over by law enforcement. These stops often result in fines or warnings, reflecting the legal actions taken against attempts to evade identification. Law enforcement agencies actively look for any form of license plate modification that could be intended to obstruct visibility and take appropriate actions.

ALPR Systems and Error Rates

While ALPR systems are effective, they are not without flaws. High error rates can lead to false positives and negatives, which can waste resources and potentially lead to violations of individuals’ rights. Despite these challenges, the technology plays a pivotal role in modern traffic law enforcement, and efforts are continually made to improve its accuracy and reliability.

Summary of Law Enforcement Responses

Law enforcement agencies have a clear stance against the modification of license plates for the purpose of evading detection. They have established various technological and procedural countermeasures to combat these practices effectively. The use of clear skateboard grip tape on license plates, while innovative, is met with significant legal challenges and is discouraged due to the potential safety hazards and legal consequences involved.

Safety Concerns and Ethical Considerations

Public Safety and Accountability

Clear and unaltered license plates play a critical role in public safety and law enforcement’s ability to perform their duties effectively. Unaltered plates ensure that vehicles are easily and accurately identifiable, which is crucial in situations ranging from routine traffic stops to more serious incidents like hit-and-run accidents. Ensuring that license plates remain visible and unobscured helps maintain public safety and holds individuals accountable for violations.

Risks of Altered License Plates

Altering or obscuring license plates can have serious consequences. Such modifications can be used to evade law enforcement, engage in criminal activities, or avoid detection during traffic violations. This not only poses a risk to public safety but also undermines the effectiveness of law enforcement agencies. By enforcing regulations that require unaltered plates, authorities can help prevent illegal activities and ensure that all vehicles on the road are traceable.

Ethical Considerations of ALPR Use

While Automatic License Plate Recognition (ALPR) systems are beneficial for tracking stolen vehicles and enforcing traffic laws, they raise significant privacy concerns. The unregulated use of these systems can lead to the long-term collection of data on drivers, infringing on individuals’ privacy rights. This data, if not properly managed, can potentially be used for profiling and discrimination, highlighting the need for strict legal and policy frameworks to protect civil liberties.

Civil Liberties at Risk

The indiscriminate and prolonged storage of ALPR data can lead to violations of civil liberties and civil rights. Without adequate oversight, this technology may be misused, leading to unwarranted surveillance and other privacy infringements. It’s crucial for policymakers to establish clear guidelines and limitations on the use of ALPR technology to safeguard individuals’ rights and maintain public trust in law enforcement practices.

Community Feedback and Real-Life Experiences

Clear Skateboard Grip Tape License Plates
Clear Skateboard Grip Tape License Plates

Social Media Buzz and User Experiences

On various online platforms, users have actively discussed the use of clear skateboard grip tape on license plates, exploring its potential to avoid detection by camera enforcement systems. A user named Fresco ignited a conversation by inquiring about others’ experiences after coming across social media videos demonstrating the application of the grip tape. This prompted responses from several users, including cbbr, who shared a link to the grip tape and commented on its effectiveness, though opinions remain divided.

Real-Life Trials and Feedback

The hashtag #ClearSkateboardGripOnLicensePlate on TikTok has amassed 29.5K views, indicating significant interest and experimentation within the community. Users like User5117916252340 have even taken steps to purchase the grip tape from online retailers such as Amazon, intending to test its effectiveness firsthand. However, another user, Jason, raised concerns about the legality of this method, highlighting the need for users to be aware of local laws and regulations before adopting such modifications.

Technology Alternatives and Community Insights

As traditional methods like the clear skateboard grip tape face legal and effectiveness challenges, technology solutions have gained traction. The discussion extends to apps and devices designed to alert drivers to speed cameras, such as the discontinued Cheetah C550 and its replacement, the Ride Aware app. These apps, along with others like Waze and Radarbot, offer real-time alerts and updates on speed cameras, contributing to a broader dialogue on legal and safe ways to manage speed monitoring.

Comparative Analysis of Speed Monitoring Technologies

TechnologyFeaturesSubscription Cost
Ride Aware AppUpdates from JBV1 and HwR databasesFree
ByeByeTicket AppContinuous monitoring, Apple Watch alerts$9.99/month
Waze AppReal-time traffic and police alerts, speed limit warningsFree
Speed Cameras Radar AppAlerts for cameras and traffic jams$4.99/month
Coyote AppAlerts for cameras, traffic, and hazardsFrom $4.99/month
Radarbot AppFixed and mobile camera alerts, voice notificationsFree / $4.99/month (Premium)

This table reflects the community’s shift towards digital solutions that provide comprehensive updates and real-time alerts, emphasizing a move away from potentially illegal modifications like clear skateboard grip tape on license plates. As users continue to explore and discuss these alternatives, the feedback remains a vital component of the ongoing conversation around speed detection and vehicle identification technologies.


The exploration of clear skateboard grip tape on license plates, while rooted in innovation and the spirit of experimentation, opens a complex dialogue on legality, ethics, and public safety. We’ve journeyed through the inventive to the controversial, uncovering the multifaceted aspects of this practice from its social media origins to legal landscapes. The significance of our discussion extends beyond the realm of vehicle customization, shedding light on the intricate balance between personal expression and societal responsibility. This examination underscores the imperative for vehicle owners to navigate these waters with informed caution, emphasizing the paramount importance of compliance with legal standards and consideration for community safety.

As we conclude, it becomes clear that the allure of evading traffic enforcement technologies, though tempting, is fraught with legal ambiguities and ethical dilemmas. The broader implications of our findings call for a heightened awareness among drivers, encouraging constructive engagement with emerging technologies while upholding the virtues of transparency and responsibility. The dialogue initiated here serves not only to demystify the practice of applying clear skateboard grip tape to license plates but also to catalyze a broader reflection on our collective obligations to road safety and lawful conduct. In embracing innovation, let us also champion the principles of legality and ethical accountability, steering our community towards a safer, more compliant future.


Can I apply clear grip tape to my vehicle’s license plate?

 Yes, you can apply clear grip tape to a license plate.

What exactly is clear grip tape and does it exist? 

Clear grip tape is indeed available as part of a diverse selection of skateboard grip tapes.

What is the effect of rubbing a banana on a license plate? The provided information does not include an answer to the effect of rubbing a banana on a license plate.

Does grip tape for skateboards interfere with camera visibility? 

Clear skateboard grip tape, when placed over license plates, allows for easy readability by the human eye. However, it causes cameras with flash, such as speed cameras, to capture only a bright blur, effectively obstructing their ability to capture clear images.

Norman J. Wells
Norman J. Wells

Hello, my name is Norman J. Wells I am the founder of Get skater which is my blog.

I specialize in skateboarding and offer skateboarding services to businesses of all sizes around the world, ultimately improving their bottom line by teaching creative solutions to their problems. Shoot me a quick email to see how I can help you!

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