Worst Skateboard Decks : The Worst of the Worst

Are you ready to cringe? Brace yourself for a list of the absolute worst skateboard decks ever created. From mind-boggling designs to questionable artwork, these abominations are sure to make your eyes bleed. Whether you’re a pro skater or just a fan of the sport, you’ll want to steer clear of these monstrosities.

Picture this: a deck covered in clashing colors, nonsensical patterns, and garish illustrations. It’s enough to make any skateboarder shudder. These are the kind of decks that give skateboard art a bad name. Imagine trying to land a trick on one of these atrocities – it’s a recipe for disaster.

But hey, we’re not here to judge. If you have a morbid curiosity, read on. We’ve scoured the internet to bring you the most cringe-worthy skateboards ever produced. From tacky graphics to offensive imagery, these decks have it all. So sit back, relax, and prepare to witness the dark side of skateboard design.

Importance of choosing the right skateboard deck

When it comes to skateboarding, the deck is the foundation of your ride. It provides the platform on which you perform tricks, and its shape and construction can greatly impact your overall skateboarding experience. Choosing the right skateboard deck is crucial for both performance and safety.

A poorly designed deck can throw off your balance and make it difficult to control your board. It can also affect your ability to execute tricks and maneuvers with precision. Beyond functionality, the design of your skateboard deck is an expression of your personal style and identity as a skater.

The Worst Skateboard Deck

Kryptonics Skateboards

Kryptonics Skateboards are often considered subpar due to their lower quality materials, which can lead to issues with durability, performance, and safety. Riders frequently report problems such as easily cracked decks, unreliable bearings, and wheels that wear out quickly. While they may be more affordable, the compromised construction makes them less suitable for serious skateboarders seeking reliability and longevity in their equipment. It’s advisable to invest in higher-quality brands for a better skating experience.

Walmart Skateboards

Walmart skateboards are often considered low-quality because they are mass-produced with inexpensive materials, leading to issues with durability, performance, and safety. These skateboards are typically not designed or built to withstand the demands of serious skating, making them unsuitable for experienced riders. Additionally, their components such as trucks, wheels, and bearings may be of subpar quality, resulting in a less enjoyable and potentially unsafe riding experience. It’s recommended for serious skateboarders to invest in higher-quality, specialized equipment from reputable skate shops for better performance and safety.

Mongoose Skateboard

The Mongoose Skateboard is often criticized for its poor quality and durability issues. Riders report problems with the deck’s construction, wheels, and overall performance. It’s known for being unreliable and prone to breaking easily, making it a subpar choice for serious skateboarders. With many superior options available in the market, the Mongoose Skateboard is generally considered one of the worst choices for riders looking for a reliable and durable skateboard.

Intersport Skateboard

Intersport Skateboard is perceived as one of the worst skateboards due to several reasons. Users report issues such as poor quality materials leading to frequent breakage, subpar performance compared to other brands, and inadequate durability for sustained use. Additionally, lack of responsiveness and agility in maneuvers contributes to its unfavorable reputation among skateboard enthusiasts. Overall, its combination of inferior construction and limited functionality makes it a less desirable choice for riders seeking a reliable and enjoyable skating experience.

Airwalk Skateboards

Airwalk Skateboards are considered subpar due to their poor quality construction, lack of durability, and overall performance issues. They often suffer from weak components, such as low-quality bearings and decks prone to breaking easily. Riders commonly report dissatisfaction with their performance compared to other brands, making them one of the worst choices for serious skateboarders.

Osprey Skateboard

The Osprey Skateboard is often considered one of the worst skateboards due to its poor quality materials, lack of durability, and subpar performance. It’s known for having weak decks that easily break or warp, low-quality bearings that cause wheels to stick or seize, and generally uncomfortable riding experience. Many users report issues with trucks coming loose or breaking quickly, leading to instability and safety concerns. Overall, while it may be inexpensive, the Osprey Skateboard is not recommended for serious skaters or anyone looking for a reliable and enjoyable riding experience.

Maple Skateboards

Maple Skateboards may not offer the best quality boards, as they might lack durability and performance compared to higher-end brands. They could be made from lower-grade materials, resulting in a less satisfying skating experience. It’s advisable to invest in a reputable skateboard brand for better quality and longevity.

World Industries Skateboards

World Industries Skateboards may be considered among the worst skateboard brands due to factors such as poor quality materials, inconsistent performance, and lack of durability. Reviews often cite issues like decks breaking easily, bearings wearing out quickly, and overall subpar construction. While some may find them affordable, their low price often reflects their lower quality compared to more reputable brands. It’s essential for skateboarders to invest in a reliable board to ensure safety and performance.

Decathlon Oxelo Skateboard

The Decathlon Oxelo Skateboard is often considered subpar due to its lower quality materials and construction compared to more reputable skateboard brands. Its components such as bearings and trucks may not perform well under stress, leading to a less enjoyable skating experience and potentially safety concerns. While it may be budget-friendly, investing in a higher quality skateboard from a trusted brand is generally recommended for better performance, durability, and safety.

Types of Decks to Avoid:

  • Department store or novelty shop decks: These are often made with cheap materials, poor construction, and shapes unsuitable for actual skateboarding. They can delaminate easily, break under pressure, and hinder progress.
  • Decks with gimmicky features: Avoid decks with unusual shapes, built-in ramps, or other “innovative” features that compromise functionality and durability. They rarely perform well and can be dangerous.
  • “Complete” sets from unknown brands: These often come with low-quality trucks, bearings, and wheels, which can limit performance and pose safety risks. Stick to reputable brands for individual components.
  • Overly-decorated decks with weak graphics: While aesthetics matter, prioritize construction and materials over flashy graphics that might peel or chip easily.
  • Used decks with visible damage: Cracks, delamination, water damage, or warped wood are all red flags in used decks. Opt for decks in good condition from reputable sources.

Historical “Fads” to Avoid:

  • Metal decks: These were popular in the 70s but proved heavy, slippery, and prone to rust.
  • Plastic decks: Similar to metal decks, these lacked pop and grip, making them unsuitable for most skating styles.
  • Extremely wide or narrow decks: While board size preferences have evolved, decks far outside established dimensions can significantly hinder learning and performance.

Analyzing the Design flaws of These Decks

These decks may be cringeworthy, but what exactly makes them so bad? Let’s take a closer look at the design flaws that make these skateboard decks a nightmare for skaters.

The first and most obvious issue is the lack of cohesion. These decks often feature clashing colors, random patterns, and disjointed artwork. This creates a visual cacophony that is not only distracting but also makes it difficult to focus on the board itself.

Another common flaw is poor typography and graphic design. Some decks feature illegible text or poorly executed illustrations, making it hard to decipher what the design is even trying to convey. Skateboard art should be visually appealing and easy to understand, but these decks miss the mark entirely.

Lastly, offensive imagery and language have no place on a skateboard deck. Skating is a sport that celebrates individuality and expression, but it should never come at the expense of respect and inclusivity. These decks cross the line and perpetuate harmful stereotypes and messages that have no place in the skateboarding community.

Impact of Bad Skateboard Decks on Performance

Skateboarding is all about precision and control, and a bad skateboard deck can have a significant impact on your performance. The design flaws we discussed earlier can affect your ability to skate with confidence and execute tricks with precision.

The lack of cohesion and distracting visuals can throw off your balance and make it difficult to focus on your footing. Skateboarding requires a keen sense of spatial awareness, and a visually overwhelming deck can make it challenging to maintain that awareness.

Additionally, poor typography and graphic design can hinder your ability to read and interpret the design on your deck. This can be particularly problematic when attempting tricks that require precise foot placement or understanding the orientation of the board.

Lastly, offensive imagery and language can create a hostile environment within the skateboarding community. Skating should be inclusive and welcoming to all, and a deck that promotes harmful messages undermines these values. It’s important to support brands that prioritize inclusivity and respect when choosing a skateboard deck.

How to Avoid Purchasing a Bad Skateboard Deck

Now that you know the impact of a bad skateboard deck, you’re probably wondering how to avoid making a regrettable purchase. Here are some tips to help you choose a quality deck that meets your needs:

  1. Research reputable brands: Stick to well-known and trusted skateboard brands that have a track record of producing high-quality decks. These brands often have a team of professional skaters who help design and test their products, ensuring they meet the demands of the sport.
  2. Read reviews: Before making a purchase, take the time to read reviews from other skaters. Look for feedback on the deck’s performance, durability, and design. This will give you a better idea of what to expect and help you make an informed decision.
  3. Consider your skating style: Different decks are designed for different styles of skateboarding. Consider whether you primarily skate street, ramps, or parks, and choose a deck that suits your preferred terrain and tricks.
  4. Inspect the deck: If possible, inspect the deck in person before buying. Look for any signs of poor craftsmanship, such as uneven edges, delamination, or weak spots. A well-constructed deck will stand up to scrutiny.

By taking these steps, you can avoid purchasing a bad skateboard deck and ensure that you’re getting a quality product that will enhance your skateboarding experience.

Notable Brands known for Quality Skateboard Decks

worst skateboard decks
worst skateboard decks

When it comes to skateboard decks, there are several notable brands that have earned a reputation for producing high-quality products. These brands have a strong following within the skateboarding community and are known for their durability, performance, and innovative designs.

  1. Element: Element is a well-respected skateboard brand that has been around since 1992. They are known for their commitment to sustainability and their high-quality decks that are designed to withstand the demands of street and park skating.
  2. Santa Cruz: Santa Cruz is a legendary brand that has been at the forefront of skateboarding since the 1970s. They offer a wide range of decks suited for various styles of skateboarding, and their iconic graphics have become synonymous with the sport.
  3. Plan B: Plan B is a brand that is favored by many professional skaters. They are known for their high-quality decks that are designed for technical street skating. Plan B decks are known for their durability and pop, making them a popular choice among serious skaters.
  4. Girl: Girl Skateboards has been a staple in the skateboarding industry since its inception in 1993. They are known for their clean and simple designs, as well as their commitment to supporting and promoting diversity within the skateboarding community.

These are just a few examples of brands that have earned a reputation for producing quality skateboard decks. When in doubt, do some research and ask for recommendations from fellow skaters to find a brand that aligns with your needs and preferences.

Tips for Maintaining and Prolonging the Lifespan of your Skateboard Deck

Once you’ve found the perfect skateboard deck, it’s important to take care of it to ensure its longevity. Here are some tips for maintaining and prolonging the lifespan of your deck:

  1. Keep it clean: Regularly clean your skateboard deck to remove dirt, grime, and debris. Use a damp cloth or a skateboard-specific cleaning solution to wipe down the deck and grip tape. Avoid using harsh chemicals that can damage the wood or graphics.
  2. Avoid excessive moisture: Exposure to moisture can cause the deck to warp or delaminate. Avoid leaving your skateboard in damp or wet environments for extended periods of time. If your deck does get wet, dry it thoroughly before using it again.
  3. Inspect for damage: Regularly inspect your deck for any signs of damage, such as cracks, chips, or delamination. If you notice any issues, address them promptly to prevent further damage and potential safety hazards.
  4. Rotate your wheels: To ensure even wear and tear on your deck, rotate your wheels regularly. This will help prevent uneven pressure on the deck and prolong its lifespan.
  5. Store it properly: When not in use, store your skateboard in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Avoid leaning it against walls or leaving it in areas where it can be easily knocked over or stepped on.

By following these maintenance tips, you can keep your skateboard deck in optimal condition and extend its lifespan, allowing you to enjoy many more hours of shredding.

The rise of Custom Skateboard deck Designs

While we’ve focused on the worst skateboard deck designs, it’s important to note that there is also a thriving market for custom skateboard decks. Custom decks allow skaters to express their individuality and creativity, creating a truly unique ride.

With advancements in printing technology, it’s now easier than ever to create custom graphics for your skateboard deck. Many companies offer online platforms where you can upload your own designs or choose from a library of pre-made designs. This has opened up a world of possibilities for skaters who want a deck that reflects their personal style.

Custom skateboard decks are not just limited to graphics; you can also choose the shape, concave, and construction of your deck to suit your specific preferences. This level of customization allows skaters to fine-tune their setup and create a board that feels like an extension of themselves.

The rise of custom skateboard deck designs has added a new dimension to the skateboarding industry, giving skaters more options than ever before. Whether you prefer a classic graphic from a trusted brand or a one-of-a-kind custom creation, there is a deck out there that will suit your style and needs.

Worst Skateboard Decks
Worst Skateboard Decks

A Skateboard Buying Guide to Avoid Worst Skateboard

Don’t Dude! A Skateboard Buying Guide to Avoid Total Wipeouts

Ever lace up your shoes, hit the pavement, and wonder why your board feels…off? It might not be your technique – you could be riding a dud. A bad skateboard can be frustrating, hindering your progress, and even dangerous. But fear not, shredders! This guide will equip you with the knowledge to avoid the worst skateboard decks and find the perfect ride for conquering those tricks.

The Enemy Within: Red Flags of a Bad Deck

  • Flimsy Feel: A good deck should have some weight to it, a sign of quality wood. Super light decks often use cheap wood that can’t withstand impacts and will break easily.
  • Sketchy Shape: A warped or uneven deck throws off your balance and makes landing tricks nearly impossible. Inspect the deck closely for any bends or inconsistencies in the shape.
  • Discount Disappointment: Super cheap, pre-built boards from discount stores are tempting, but resist the urge! These boards often use low-grade materials that wear down quickly and can break unexpectedly.
  • Grip It or Rip It (Off): The griptape (the sandpaper-like surface) should be rough and provide good traction. If it’s smooth or feels cheap, it won’t grip your shoes properly, leading to slips and frustration.

Deck Detective: Choosing the Right Wood

Skateboard decks are typically made of maple wood, known for its strength and pop. Here’s a breakdown of the two most common types:

  • 7-Ply Maple: This is the industry standard, offering a good balance of strength, pop, and flexibility. Perfect for beginners and experienced skaters alike.
  • Canadian Maple: Considered the premium choice, Canadian maple is known for its exceptional strength and pop. Ideal for advanced skaters who put a lot of pressure on their boards.

Beyond the Deck: Essential Skateboard Parts

While the deck is crucial, don’t forget the other key components:

  • Trucks: These connect your wheels to the deck and determine how your board turns. Look for reputable brands that use strong materials.
  • Wheels: The size and hardness of your wheels depend on your skating style. Talk to a skate shop employee for recommendations based on your needs.
  • Bearings: These allow your wheels to spin smoothly. Invest in good bearings for a faster, more enjoyable ride.

The Final Grind: Where to Shop Smart

  • Support Your Local Skate Shop: These shops have knowledgeable staff who can answer your questions and guide you towards the perfect setup. They often carry high-quality brands and can even assemble your board for you.
  • Online Retailers: If a local shop isn’t available, reputable online retailers offer a wide selection of decks and components. Read reviews and be sure the retailer specializes in skate gear.

Remember: A good skateboard is an investment. By avoiding the pitfalls of bad decks and choosing quality components, you’ll get a board that lasts, helps you progress, and lets you shred with confidence. Now get out there and skate!

Final Thoughts on the Worst Skateboard Decks

In conclusion, the world of skateboard deck design is a mixed bag. While there are plenty of incredible and visually stunning decks out there, we can’t ignore the worst of the worst. These decks push the boundaries of good taste and leave us questioning the sanity of their creators.

Choosing the right skateboard deck is essential for both performance and personal expression. A poorly designed deck can hinder your skating abilities and create a negative experience on your board. By avoiding the worst skateboard decks and opting for quality brands known for their craftsmanship and style, you can ensure a better skateboarding experience.

FAQ’s Of Worst Skateboard Decks

Are Tony Hawk skateboards good?

Tony Hawk skateboards are reputable for quality and performance, catering to both beginners and advanced riders. Built with durable materials and designed by a legend in the skateboarding world, they offer reliability and versatility for all skill levels.

What is a concave skateboard deck?

A concave skateboard deck is a board with a curved shape, typically having a lower center and raised edges. This design enhances control and stability for riders by cradling their feet, aiding in tricks and maneuvers.

How do I choose a skateboard deck?

Choose a skateboard deck by considering width (7.5″ – 8.5″ for adults), material (usually maple), and concave shape (mild, medium, or steep). Select based on your skating style (street, park, or vert) and personal preference for graphic

What is a full deck skateboard?

A full deck skateboard is a complete skateboard setup consisting of a deck, trucks, wheels, bearings, and hardware. It’s ready to ride upon purchase, offering all necessary components for skateboarding.

Norman J. Wells
Norman J. Wells

Hello, my name is Norman J. Wells I am the founder of Get skater which is my blog.

I specialize in skateboarding and offer skateboarding services to businesses of all sizes around the world, ultimately improving their bottom line by teaching creative solutions to their problems. Shoot me a quick email to see how I can help you!

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